
Monday, February 21, 2005


看見TF和張姑娘都在Blog上提及 Musiclubians, 我都來湊湊熱鬧吧! 就如他倆所說, 多元絕對是我們的一大特點, 我們無論個人喜好、性格、專長、職業都不大相同,南轅北徹, 甚至有點風馬牛不相及。人本就不該盡相似, 又何特別之有? 但當一群各不相干的奇珍異獸功妙地變成一伙烏合之眾, 又出奇地融洽和諧的話。這應是一點點的與別不同, 用徐老闆的說法,也就是我們的自豪點。所以當我們近乎自戀地自稱 “Musiclubians”。請不要見怪, 這不過是如 Lesbian 般代表著一種 Minority。

常說物以類聚,那為何我們又會聚首一莊? 總得有共通之處。大家都熱愛音樂?對,大部份莊友都是音樂狂, 但至少自己不算, 還記得當年Cathy催稿, 我所寫的是周星馳的音樂, 熱愛音樂? 還是算吧。Carmen也談不上熱愛吧? 從來只見她熱烈地戀愛, 不是與音樂, 是與美男。上次聽她自己說久未發巿, 可能事忙罷了, 要不然她眾多裙下之臣, 豈有單身之理? 祝Carmen早日找到理想的「音樂」,嘻! 共通不是熱愛音樂, 但我想莊友之中有些應是非君不嫁, 非音樂社不入虎山的。Kobe, Dina, Cathy, 郭++, 對嘛? 狄波拉Deborah本應都是, 只是記起她好像險些入了音樂學會 (Music Society), 是以不在此列。還有, TF早在傾莊前已告訴小弟, 他有可能轉投電腦學會的懷抱, 放棄大家。所以都不是。

What if? 假如當年老闆真的選擇電腦學會, 歷史上至少有兩件事被改寫。其一, 電腦學會將不與本社合辦聖誕派對, 理由是某君強烈反對, 堅持派對與其主要業務無關。其二, 音樂社因理財不善, 總設計師Kobe需索過度, 破產收場。
所以話說回頭, 這點都不是我們走在一起的原因。再續。

Monday, February 14, 2005




這十多年來,爸一直在外東奔西跑,平均一年在家不到一個月。我當然知道有多辛苦。他如我的年紀時,早已在謀生活,跟爺爺嬤嬤一家六口就擠在小房間住。上一代,始終吃得苦。 我們這一代也太不濟。

我想媽更是辛苦,以一己之力當家,要精打細算,又要持家有道。爸媽倆又不能朝夕相對,多年來辛苦他倆了。 做兒子的也太不孝,都二十有三,還要他倆供書教學。可知我有多難受,只怪自己不長進。



Tuesday, February 08, 2005

This is it

Tonight is a complete shock for me.

Having playing basketball for more than ten years, I go on the court today, representing the University. I delivered a shameful play, I did make some points, rebounds, assists, but I made way too much mistakes. This is absolutely not I expected to see. We are defeated by a bunch of thirtysomethings, not to mention we have 80 points advantages which they gave us as a handicapped match.

You have been learning something for so long, there is no any sound excuse could possibly justify the failure, except that you are both hopeless and useless.

I remember I started to tell people english is my weakness when I was doing HKCEE, up till now I still keep telling people I am weak at it. What exactly is the problem with me? Why didn't I improve it, instead, I just admit it and let it be.

Weakness is not something which you are born with, you learn it from your experience. I learned that I am bad at English after realized the result of my first English exam. Then it became one of my bad characteristics.

Michael Jordan has been critized on his shooting and defense during his first few seasons, he not just managed to overcome that, but he become the best shooter and defensive player. This is why he succeed and how he distinguish himself from others.

I felt rather emotional tonight. I literally wanted to cry on that court, not merely for the match, but for everything I have ever done. I was a joke.

But I know, this is it. This is my wake up call. I'll never been the same after tonight.

This is it. I have my faith.

單單一場球場的勝敗本身不重要, 重要的是其背後的意義。這意味著你對其他事情的態度, 如何才是知行合一及貫徹始終。對不起, 我醒了。 一切再重來

Monday, February 07, 2005

Boston Tea Party

Boston Tea Party - My favourite cafe over here. It's bohemian but stylish, comfortable to hang. The staffs are nice and it opens till late (10 pm). On top of that, I think they serve the best hot chocolate ever, although I am not that into hot chocolate. Still, the mocha is awesome.

One more thing I find interesting is you literally have to wait for quite a while for the coffee, their pace is slow yet relaxing.

Saturday, February 05, 2005


Having noticed this TV series quite a time ago back in Hong Kong, due to its crap translation of chinese name. I thought it's gonna be another stereotype of stupid American series. It is a story about Clark Kent, a high school kid, who turned out to be superman later on in his life.

After watching some of them, it actually surpised me that it is far better than expected. I hated to admit that it is rather inspiring, sometimes hilarious and always entertaining.

Clark has been sent by his biological parents from somewhere outside the earth, with one mission, that is to conquer our planet, of course, with his superhuman power.

There is another main character, Lex Lurthor, who is the son of a dirty billionaire. His childhood was under his father's cynical manipulation. Clark and Lex are close friends, yet to become rivals. (Typical TVB kind of relationship between brothers, haha.)

So, both of them are trying to fight their destiny. Clark obviously doesn't want to conquer as he will be the hero who saved the world one day, nor Lex want to walk through his old man's path.

It's never been easy to fight one's destiny.

Thursday, February 03, 2005


by Jimmy Eat World

I felt for sure last night
That once we said goodbye
No one else will know these lonely dreams
No one else will know that part of me
Im still driving away
And I'm sorry every day
I wont always love these selfish things
I wont always live
Not stopping

It was my turn to decide
I knew this was our time
No one else will have me like you do
No one else will have me, only you

You'll sit alone forever
If you wait for the right time
What are you hoping for?
I'm here I'm now I'm ready
Holding on tight
Dont give away the end
The one thing that stays mine

Amazing still it seems
I'll be 23
I won't always love what I'll never have
I wont always live in my regret

Youll sit alone forever
If you wait for the right time
What are you hoping for?
Im here I'm now Im ready
Holding on tight
Dont give away the end
The one thing that stays mine

You'll sit alone forever
If you wait for the right time
What are you hoping for?
I'm here I'm now I'm ready
Holding on tight
Dont give away the end
The one thing that stays mine...

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Do you believe in destiny? Do you believe that everyone has his own destiny to meet? How do you know if there is one for you then?

Let assume that there is one for every one of us. Will there be a hidden power controlled what is going to happen in the future? If so, to what extent we could argue that we have significant and factual control over our own life? What if we do not have such control? Do I still have to control at all? How about just let it slip and lose control?

Fuck that shits! So, I decided not to believe in destiny.
I choose to have faith instead. How about that?

Btw, is it possible that one could manage to fufil his destiny which is to fight against his own destiny? Paradoxical.