這十多年來,爸一直在外東奔西跑,平均一年在家不到一個月。我當然知道有多辛苦。他如我的年紀時,早已在謀生活,跟爺爺嬤嬤一家六口就擠在小房間住。上一代,始終吃得苦。 我們這一代也太不濟。
我想媽更是辛苦,以一己之力當家,要精打細算,又要持家有道。爸媽倆又不能朝夕相對,多年來辛苦他倆了。 做兒子的也太不孝,都二十有三,還要他倆供書教學。可知我有多難受,只怪自己不長進。
So touching.......man.......And as your friend, I told you that I am pround to have a friend like you long time ago already.......Hopefully, I can get such praise from my family and my friend in the future.
14/2/05 9:35 am
sorry, spelling mistake, should be proud instead of pround.......
14/2/05 2:23 pm
Hey Bro,
dude.. I had no idea you're into this kinda shit too.. you writing blogs? I never imagined.. but its a gd way to freeze the moment in time.. and write down what you were feeling.
Seeing your comment, about reading my entire xanga thru.. I began reading thru my xanga too.. all the way to the beginning.. and I felt funny.. I felt kinda ICKY when I was reading some of the mushy parts.. I guess I must've been quite down at some pts... its so weird.. how in reflection.. everything feels so distant and different.
anyways.. I was so pleasntly surprised by your comment on my xanga.. I thought u died on me! u gotta keep in touch better man... write me gmail.
Anyways.. don't put urself under too much presure bro.. just take it easy and try your best. Ur a bright man.. I know u'll be successful... so no worries.
19/2/05 2:28 am
such a touching blog
my biggest head chairman
u are grown to be half woman
in a cute mannish way
20/2/05 11:52 pm
Thank you so much for all three of you for cheering me up! It means a lot to me,I really need some reassurances right now.
Kit, Thanks a lot for being all the way along with me! Hope you like your new job!
Albert, You have said exactly what I have to say to you! Man, first off, I have absolutely no idea you are a blog-writing guy! Then,it's you totally died on me! But seriously, we should keep in touch better man. And I repeated: I will kicked your sorry ass at the bball court! Seriously man, thanks a lot!
My biggest head social secretary, I think in a way we become closer after we each has a blog. I don't know if you feel that way. But truthfully thanks for your lovely comment, and I can't wait for having coffee together here with you!
21/2/05 6:41 am
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