
Tuesday, February 08, 2005

This is it

Tonight is a complete shock for me.

Having playing basketball for more than ten years, I go on the court today, representing the University. I delivered a shameful play, I did make some points, rebounds, assists, but I made way too much mistakes. This is absolutely not I expected to see. We are defeated by a bunch of thirtysomethings, not to mention we have 80 points advantages which they gave us as a handicapped match.

You have been learning something for so long, there is no any sound excuse could possibly justify the failure, except that you are both hopeless and useless.

I remember I started to tell people english is my weakness when I was doing HKCEE, up till now I still keep telling people I am weak at it. What exactly is the problem with me? Why didn't I improve it, instead, I just admit it and let it be.

Weakness is not something which you are born with, you learn it from your experience. I learned that I am bad at English after realized the result of my first English exam. Then it became one of my bad characteristics.

Michael Jordan has been critized on his shooting and defense during his first few seasons, he not just managed to overcome that, but he become the best shooter and defensive player. This is why he succeed and how he distinguish himself from others.

I felt rather emotional tonight. I literally wanted to cry on that court, not merely for the match, but for everything I have ever done. I was a joke.

But I know, this is it. This is my wake up call. I'll never been the same after tonight.

This is it. I have my faith.

單單一場球場的勝敗本身不重要, 重要的是其背後的意義。這意味著你對其他事情的態度, 如何才是知行合一及貫徹始終。對不起, 我醒了。 一切再重來


Anonymous Anonymous said...

雿���箔�����銝剜��������, ���撖怨�望��雿�璇�隡啣����唬��������...(憟賡��������friend ��望��������.....haha)!! 雿�隡唬�����靽�憟賢��敹�撖刎ans���, ��芸��靽������嫣����況ost article.......���憟賡�暹��雿���Y����亥��, ��賢末��望����典��........銝����, 撠�������, 閬���唬����刻�望��撖急�亥��撖怠�����憟�(�����臬��撖怠�����), ��賭輔銝���瑁店��芸楛��望��撌�, ���靽������颱��鈭箏�唳��������.......暺������箔����望��憟賢��? 閬�憟賡��d擛潔蓮�����怠末?.....���......銝����, ���隢�雿����, 雿���箔�����憭抒��靽����閰脫葩瘙�d.......

8/2/05 11:14 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you have time, please call me anytime, I am Kit ar......I have something to discuss with u man

9/2/05 1:56 am


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